Cabin Rates

2025 Cabin Rates

Lakefront Cabin
Floating Cabin

*A City of Santee 10% occupancy tax will be charged on all reservations. A $45 cabin early check-in fee subject to availability.

Cancellation Policy

Santee Lakes’ staff view a reservation as a “two-way” agreement. We agree to hold the space which you have reserved, turning away all further requests, in return for your payment. We will refund payments on reservations cancelled at least 30 days prior to your scheduled date of arrival. There are no refunds for reservations cancelled less than 30 days prior to your scheduled date of arrival. A processing fee of $25 plus a 10% occupancy tax on the processing fee will be charged on all cabins cancellations. We cannot issue refunds for early departures, late arrivals, inclement weather, power outages or acts of nature. We do not accept cancellations by e-mail.

NOTE:  Regarding a Cabin reservation, your Credit Card Statement may say Padre Dam Municipal Water District.  Santee Lakes is owned and operated by Padre Dam Municipal Water District.

Financial Assistance Guidelines

Financial Assistance Application