Here we are in May. April seemed to drag on for an eternity, or maybe that was just me? May seems to bring with it a bit more normalcy and hope.
All around the nation, things are starting to look like they will either open, stay closed for a bit longer or open with some restrictions. This is the case with Santee Lakes. We are happy to be able to allow guests back into our Day Use Park! We have seen people coming in happy to walk, fish, bike and enjoy some outdoor time. Here are protocols for coming to the Day Use Park and our Campground. You can also find them on the front page of the website if you click the big red buttons (located under the large sliding photos).
We know these time are challenging in so many different ways to people in our communities, but we have seen neighborhoods wrap their arms around one an other and meet needs in amazing ways! We can all probably think of a story or two of how someone took a neighbor some much needed food or of course, toilet paper, or how we have seen tables set out in front of homes full of food items for people to take as they had need. The chalked sidewalks of the city have encouraged so many as they get outside, away from their work laptops, home projects, or binge-worthy series, to be met by colorful and inspiring messages that brightens their day and reminds them that there is hope, and that this is temporary.
Helpful links during this pandemic:
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