By now 2021 is in full swing! February brings with it a sweet holiday and a bit of wet weather. We are hopeful that it also brings us closer to a world free from a virus that has wreaked havoc on so many. The ability to provide our guests with opportunities in the outdoors has been incredibly valuable and we are garteful that Santee Lakes has been an oasis in a time of crisis for so many.
Reservations are open for July 2021!
Reservations will open for August 2021 beginning online
February 28th at 8:00PM.
Cabin Reservation Reminder!
Have you wanted to book a Cabin, but found it was very challenging to reserve these popular amenities?
Check our Facebook page where we regularly post availability!
Trout Fishing!
Here is the stocking schedule, in case you wanted to know!
Dates are subject to change.
Stocking will be the weeks of:
Feb. 9 delivery of 2000 lbs ~ Lakes 3, 4
March 9th delivery of 2000 lbs ~ Lakes 2, 4
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